A People-First Practice

Do you have a people operations project that requires a dedicated resource on an hourly/weekly/ or monthly basis?  We can assign a Manager+ level to a project of your choosing who will work with your internal stakeholders, understand your needs, gather requirements, then work in the background to get the job done. 

These are the stepping stones and a modern approach on how the HR function can truly add value, positively influence and transform your organization in a meaningful way.


Past projects include: 

  • Employee Handbooks - Roll out a fully compliant, up-to-date and relevant policies, procedures and processes that every organization needs as the backbone of their People function.  Get ahead of it and reduce the questions, communicate your intentions and set expectations upfront.  

  • Talent Acquisition Strategy - Create, align and implement a customized TA strategy, the interview methodology, competencies, standard interview guides, rating system and templates. Train hiring managers on the process. 

  • Competency Development - Review compensation levels and job categories, obtain understanding of job roles and responsibilities, recommend key competencies by job, recommend how to incorporate these competencies into job descriptions, performance management, career development, succession planning

  • Discovery Sessions - Info gather and gauge the current internal climate of the organization from an unbiased, neutral team. Interview key stakeholders to offer them a voice to be heard and seen; giving them an opportunity to provide unfiltered feedback and voicing top of mind issues.   

  • A Values workshop - Conduct a team-based workshop with key stakeholders to brainstorm on vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategic priorities and competitive advantage, roll up into themes, package up, present back, obtain buy-in and provide recommendations on how to incorporate into other programs in order to solidify, live & breathe in every interaction.  Establishes a consistent language, expectations and rhythm for the business that will govern behaviors and ultimately, increase engagement.  

  • Performance/Talent Management Program - Obtain understanding on current processes and evaluate gaps and areas for improvement, recommend a holistic, overall performance strategy, approach and cadence, implement a process workflow with the following 4 steps: 

    • Plan - proper goal setting, individual success metrics defined

    • Monitor - goals actively tracked, feedback is given 

    • Develop - poor performance addressed, potential is developed

    • Rate/Reward - performance is tracked and rated, good performance is rewarded